Boost Engagement for Maximum Impact

This section introduces you to established, proven strategies that you can use to strategically implement Cordico with your personnel, ensuring that Cordico is fully integrated into your organizational culture. Your Customer Success Manager will arrange a meeting with you and members of your agency to select the strategies that best fit your agency’s needs, goals, and preferences.

App Adoption and Engagement Strategies for Key Stakeholders

As Wellness Advocates, it is essential for you to think strategically about how your organization will adopt Cordico. This tool is designed to support mental and physical health and resilience, which are important in the demanding field of public safety. By finding innovative ways to introduce and integrate Cordico into your wellness strategies, you can significantly enhance overall well-being throughout your organization.

Consider embedding Cordico into various aspects of your operations, such as including it in regular training sessions, making it a standard part of the onboarding process for new hires and their family members, and ensuring it is accessible through work phones. These steps will help ensure that Cordico is available and used by your colleagues.

You play a crucial role in driving the adoption of Cordico. By creating multiple engagement touchpoints, you foster a supportive environment and ensure that everyone can benefit from the valuable resources Cordico provides. This is not just about introducing a new tool—it is about enhancing the culture of wellness within your agency, making a lasting impact on both individual and collective well-being.

Here are some ideas to consider:

  • Training Integration
    Embed Cordico in your regular training programs. Whether it is academy training, new supervisor training, or ongoing resilience training, Cordico can be a valuable resource.
  • Onboarding Inclusion
    Make Cordico a standard part of the onboarding process for all new hires and their family members, and pre-load it on department-issued phones. This ensures that from day one, your colleagues have the tools they need to manage stress and foster resilience.
  • Retirement Transition
    Include Cordico as a standard component of the recommended retirement benefits for employees and their spouses. This ensures that those transitioning into retirement have the tools to manage stress and continue to build resilience.
  • ​​​Mobile Accessibility
    Ensure Cordico is installed on work cell phones so that the resource is readily accessible in high-stress situations. Be sure the department ID and code are available and easy to access.
  • Wellness Shift Briefing Videos
    Utilize wellness shift briefing videos during daily or weekly briefings. These videos provide practical tips and strategies for managing stress and educating employees on many topics covered in Cordico and can serve as a starting point for discussions on a variety of wellness topics. Incorporating these videos into routine meetings can help normalize the conversation around mental health and ensure that wellness remains a key focus in your team’s daily activities. This approach not only educates but also keeps wellness at the forefront, reinforcing its importance in maintaining a healthy work environment. View the Cordico Shift Brief Video Library.
  • Wellness Challenge Participation
    If your agency is interested in achieving measurable wellness success, we recommend you use Cordico wellness challenges. Weight loss competitions, fitness challenges, and holistic wellness challenges that incorporate both mental and physical health and wellness are all included in Cordico. They help personnel achieve measurable improvements in a variety of areas of health and wellness and foster a sense of community and friendly competition. These challenges encourage active participation and ongoing engagement with Cordico’s features, promoting a healthier lifestyle across your team. Engaging in these challenges boosts team morale and drives home the importance of wellness in a fun and interactive way.
  • ​​Anonymous Self-Assessments
    Incorporate anonymous self-assessments available through Cordico into regular meetings or training sessions or even recommend individuals use these as they become relevant to their individual struggles. These assessments can provide invaluable insights into the overall mental health and wellness of your team without compromising anonymity. By regularly utilizing and recommending these tools, you can identify common stressors or areas needing attention and tailor your wellness initiatives more effectively. This proactive approach helps in addressing potential issues before they escalate, ensuring a healthier and more supportive work environment.
  • ​​Benefits/Open Enrollment and Shift Bid Integration
    Make sure information about Cordico is readily available during critical administrative periods such as benefits selection and shift bids. Integrating app details into these processes ensures that all employees are reminded of the wellness resources at their disposal when making decisions that affect their work life and health benefits. This highlights the organization’s commitment to employee wellness and encourages the use of Cordico as a part of everyday work-life planning.
  • ​​​Push Notifications, Email Campaigns, and Social Media Campaigns
    Use email campaigns and social media posts to keep personnel and families informed about new content and timely topics in Cordico and to celebrate weekly wellness wins. Regular updates can maintain interest and engagement, while sharing wellness wins can boost morale and motivate others to utilize Cordico’s resources. This ongoing communication strategy ensures that all team and family members are aware of the latest tools and success stories, which can inspire continued participation and a strong wellness culture within your organization. Get help from your CSMs to schedule push notifications.
  • ​​Post-Incident Resources
    In the aftermath of critical incidents, immediate access to support is paramount. Cordico has comprehensive post-incident resources, ensuring that every team member and spouse has the necessary tools to manage their mental and emotional wellbeing and find adequate support when necessary. Cordico offers confidential, tailored support options designed to help individuals and families cope with the stress and trauma that can follow critical incidents.
  • ​​Events
    Promote Cordico at diverse events to reinforce your agency’s commitment to employee well-being. At family-oriented gatherings, consider setting up informational booths where attendees can learn about Cordico’s features through live demonstrations, emphasizing its benefits for both personal and family wellness. At employee appreciation events, showcase testimonials and provide interactive sessions where employees can explore Cordico and highlight its positive impact. At leadership training, explore how Cordico can help leaders support well-being within their teams and learn about trauma-informed leadership.
  • ​​Crisis Mitigation
    Proactively promote the Get Help button on the Cordico home screen as a crucial resource for immediate crisis intervention. This feature should be prominently showcased at all agency-hosted events and throughout various stations/office locations, with demonstrations on how to quickly access help in emergencies.
  • ​​Enhancing Engagement With Agency-Specific Resources
    Maximize the utilization of pre-established resources, such as peer supporters, chaplains, and EAP (Employee Assistance Program) providers, by integrating them into Cordico and actively promoting this integration. To effectively highlight these resources, consider conducting dedicated sessions during all major events and training programs, demonstrating how employees can access these services through Cordico.
  • Communication With Families
    Increase communication with the families of your department, ensuring they are well informed and supported. Cordico facilitates the sharing of information about upcoming family events and provides up-to-date, easily accessible contact details for essential resources. Following incidents, it offers crucial guidance on how families can support their spouse and themselves, or cope with job-related stress. The use of push notifications enhances communication, allowing for timely and direct updates to families, ensuring they receive crucial and relevant information. This proactive approach fosters a stronger, more informed community, benefiting both the employees and their families.
  • ​​Utilize Department Analytics
    Leverage Cordico analytics to gain insights into how your department is engaging with wellness content and Cordico overall. In addition to adoption data, you will have access to data on areas of interest that will help you further understand your teams’ wellness interests and behaviors so you can make effective, strategic decisions about expanding your wellness program and future training events. Remember, the data you will see here is completely anonymous, so you can gain insight into the wellness topics being accessed by your personnel without compromising the anonymity and confidentiality of those using Cordico. If personnel within your organization are concerned about their anonymity while using Cordico, showing them the analytics and how they are aggregated can often alleviate these concerns