Identifying Wellness Advocates And Understanding Their Impact

Thank you for choosing Cordico to support your organization’s wellness program. By deciding to use Cordico, you are not just adopting innovative technology—you are starting a partnership with us. Our goal is to help you strengthen your wellness framework.

To make sure Cordico integrates smoothly and works effectively, we recommend identifying and involving Wellness Advocates in your organization early on. Bringing these important people into the process right away makes the adoption smoother and gives them the tools and knowledge they need up front. Through timely access and ongoing training in our Wellness Console, we can empower them to have a bigger impact on your organization’s wellness. This strategy not only enhances their roles but also increases their effectiveness, which contributes to the lasting success and growth of your wellness efforts.

The designated Wellness Advocates that we recommend you consider for initial onboarding and advanced wellness training include:

  • Leadership
  • Wellness coordinator and/or director
  • Wellness unit members
  • Peer support lead
  • Head of chaplaincy
  • Spouse/family support leader
  • Academy leader
  • Training coordinator
  • Primary psychological services provider/EAP
  • Retiree group lead/liaison
  • Human Resources
  • Key union representatives
  • Others who are passionate about wellness:
    • volunteers, non-sworn personnel, etc.

Proven Success

Agencies used these strategies to successfully implement Cordico and drive utilization:

  • Regular Integration of Wellness
    Utilize Cordico as an essential tool to incorporate wellness tips and information into various organizational activities, such as trainings, meetings, events, shift briefings, academies, routine emails, and responses to critical incidents. This approach ensures that wellness remains proactive and consistent
  • Reference Tool For Specific Needs
    Cordico serves as a valuable reference, helping Wellness Advocates understand and address the specific challenges faced by employees, their families, and retirees.
  • Resource For Direct Support
    Cordico provides stakeholders with the means to direct employees and their families to additional information on wellness topics, tools, or self-assessments.
  • Comprehensive Resource Hub
    Cordico provides consolidation of all department-available resources into one accessible location, including Employee Assistance Programs (EAP), contracted therapists, other wellness partners, peer support, chaplains, and Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) contacts.

Training and Support for Wellness Advocates

Our commitment to supporting Wellness Advocates in their wellness roles goes beyond simply providing an app. The training we have available to you and your Wellness Advocates will evolve and expand over time. Ask your customer success manager about courses specifically designed to enhance and elevate the roles of organizational wellness coordinators, peer support leaders, fitness units, chaplains, family support group leads, and others involved in your wellness initiatives.